EBL Biodiesel

Clean Energy Thanks to Multi-Feedstock Technology.

Our tailor-made EBL Biodiesel plants work with the multi-feedstock process we have developed ourselves. This enables various types of raw materials to be transferred into valuable Biodiesel.

In contrast to conventional Biodiesel processes, the use of EBL RepCAT technology allows us to avoid costly processing of by-products. In addition, the use of a recyclable catalyst significantly improves the quality of products (Biodiesel and Glycerin).

Biodiesel Applications

The production of Biodiesel from raw materials such as waste oils and fats, as well as virgin vegetable oils, has established itself as a trend-setting path. Nevertheless, there is still enormous potential in untapped raw material to be further exploited.

Used cooking oils are the most important recycling material for Biodiesel production. The largest quantities are generated in industry and commerce. The number of collection companies that specialize in the removal of these substances is increasing worldwide. In addition, the collection of used cooking oils from households offers great potential, as the recycling rate in this sector is still low.

The use of animal fats is closely related to the production of Biodiesel in Europe. Due to the problem of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, the use of animal by-products, which are legally defined as risk materials, is linked to compliance with official requirements and operational controls. The basis for processing these so-called Category 1 and 2 risk fats is the EBL Multi-Feedstock process (MF 100), which has been approved by the EU as an official waste disposal technology.

Wherever edible fats and oils are used – for example in the food industry, canteens, restaurants, or supermarkets – trap grease can be separated from the contaminated wastewater as a valuable raw material. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide a grease trap before discharging into the sewer system. Thanks to EBL Multi-Feedstock technology, the trap grease obtained is ideally suited to produce high-quality Biodiesel and, at the same time, a waste and energy problem for many municipalities can be solved. Another advantage is that problems in the sewage system, which can be attributed to improper disposal, are avoided. The best example is the disposal of the fatberg in London using EBL Biodiesel technology.

Biodiesel Technology


We are the benchmark in the engineering and construction of industrial Biodiesel plants. The unsurpassed flexibility in the use of raw materials, maximum yield, low operating, and maintenance costs as well as the well-known reliability of our plants guarantee the highest possible efficiency and profitability. Product quality in all cases exceeds the strictest quality standards such as EN14214 and ASTM D6751.


EBL has developed its RepCAT technology for processing raw materials with a high proportion of free fatty acids (FFA). This innovative process can transfer raw materials containing up to 99 percent FFA. The specially developed system allows the catalyst to be reused within the process, which significantly reduces operating costs. A further advantage compared to other industrial processes is the production of salt-free Gylcerin of distilled quality. The RepCAT process has been positively evaluated for the use of high-risk fats (definition according to EU Regulation No. 1069/2009) by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Technological competitive advantages

Get ready to revolutionize the world of sustainable production with EBL Used Equipment! We believe in breathing new life into old plants, rescuing them from rust and giving them a second chance to shine. By purchasing and repurposing used bio plants and production facilities, we not only save millions on costly construction but also reduce waste and benefit local communities.

Our commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop there. This used equipment offers a huge advantage – they are already seasoned pros! With their experience, we can get production up and running in no time, saving valuable resources, and boosting efficiency.

But the real cherry on top? Our members get to enjoy the best sustainable products on the market at unbeatable prices. By avoiding extravagant expenses on new plants, we pass those savings directly onto you at the pumps.

Join EBL Used Equipment today and be part of a greener tomorrow while enjoying incredible value for your business. Let’s make recycling a catalyst for success!

  • Maximum raw material flexibility – no limits to FFA content in the raw material

  • Technically maximum yield

  • No waste of which to be disposed from the process, but instead reusable or saleable by-products.

  • Exceeding all applicable Biodiesel quality standards

  • Many years of international experience in large-scale industrial implementation

Our consultation is always in sync with your strategy

Get ready to revolutionize the world of sustainable production with EBL Used Equipment! We believe in breathing new life into old plants, rescuing them from rust and giving them a second chance to shine. By purchasing and repurposing used bio plants and production facilities, we not only save millions on costly construction but also reduce waste and benefit local communities.

Our commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop there. This used equipment offers a huge advantage – they are already seasoned pros! With their experience, we can get production up and running in no time, saving valuable resources, and boosting efficiency.

But the real cherry on top? Our members get to enjoy the best sustainable products on the market at unbeatable prices. By avoiding extravagant expenses on new plants, we pass those savings directly onto you at the pumps.

Join EBL Used Equipment today and be part of a greener tomorrow while enjoying incredible value for your business. Let’s make recycling a catalyst for success!

Biodiesel Plants Elysium Black Level’s Locations

Biodiesel Plant (USA)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2008

  • Capacity: 20,052 tons per year

  • Raw Material: High-FFA waste oil and fats, UCO, Animal fat

  • Products: Biodiesel ASTM D6751

  • By-products: Glycerin, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (USA  Illinois)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2015

  • Capacity: 6,684 tons per year

  • Raw Material: High-FFA waste oil and fats, UCO, Animal fat

  • Products: Biodiesel ASTM D6751

  • By-products: Glycerin, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (USA  NE)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2006

  • Capacity: 6,684 tons per year

  • Raw Material: High-FFA waste oil and fats, UCO, Animal fat

  • Products: Biodiesel ASTM D6751

  • By-products: Glycerin, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (USA  Texas)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2007

  • Capacity: 4,010 tons per year

  • Raw Material: Cottonseed and other oils up to 5%FFA

  • Products: Biodiesel ASTM D6751

  • By-products: Glycerin, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (USA  MO)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2007

  • Capacity: 6,684 tons per year

  • Raw Material: Animal Fat up to 4%FFA ,white grease, lard, tallow, brown grease

  • Products: Biodiesel ASTM D6751

  • By-products: Glycerin, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (USA  Missouri)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2007

  • Capacity: 20,052 tons per year

  • Raw Material: High-FFA waste oil and fats, UCO, Animal fat

  • Products: Biodiesel ASTM D6751

  • By-products: Glycerin, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (UK)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2009

  • Capacity: 5.5 million tons per year

  • Raw Material:  Cat 1 animal fats, used cooking oil, high-FFA waste oil and fat

  • Products: Biodiesel EN14214

  • By-products: Glycerin, potassium sulfate, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (Bulgaria)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2006

  • Capacity:  30,000 tons per year

  • Raw Material: Sunflower, Canola

  • Products: Biodiesel EN14214

  • By-products: Glycerin, potassium sulfate, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (Croatia)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2008

  • Capacity:  35,000 tons per year

  • Raw Material:  Cat 1 animal fats, used cooking oil, high-FFA waste oil and fat

  • Products: Biodiesel EN14214

  • By-products: Glycerin, potassium sulfate, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (Bosnia)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2012

  • Capacity: 3650 tons per year

  • Raw Material: Cat 1 animal fats, used cooking oil, high-FFA waste oil and fat

  • Products:  Biodiesel EN14214

  • By-products: Glycerin, potassium sulfate, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (Asia)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2008

  • Capacity: 20,052 tons per year

  • Raw Material: High-FFA waste oil and fats, UCO, Animal fat

  • Products: Biodiesel ASTM D6751

  • By-products: Glycerin, bio-heating oil

Biodiesel Plant (Estonia)

  • Client: EBL Biofuels LLC

  • Technology: Multi-Feedstock MF100+ (incl. high-FFA esterification)

  • Commissioning: 2008

  • Capacity: 100,000 tons per year

  • Raw Material: High-FFA waste oil and fats, UCO, Animal fat

  • Products:  Biodiesel EN14214

  • By-products: Glycerin, bio-heating oil

A mission to revolutionize the biofuel industry

Exciting news for eco-conscious entrepreneurs and landowners! EBL is on a mission to revolutionize the biofuel industry by building and restoring biofuel plants worldwide. If you have a project or land that could be the perfect fit for our new biodiesel plant, we want to hear from you! Join us in creating a greener future by contacting our dedicated team today. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment while seizing incredible business opportunities. Don’t wait, let’s turn your vision into reality!

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